Mano Sriram

Making time to learn software design patterns

11 minutes (2642 words)

Inorder to write well structured, extensible, and readable code - design patterns help. I have recently started to read and follow more on this path. Until now, I didn’t care much about these patterns (although some design patterns are just patterns we do frequently without knowing).

In 1994, 4 people came together to write the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. It became a standard for the design patterns and since then the book was also called as The gang-of-four(gof) book.

Before patterns, there are different types of patterns:

  1. Creational Patterns: Patterns used to create classes/objects
  2. Structural Patterns: Patterns used to connect different objects/classes
  3. Behavioural Patterns: Patterns to take care of communication and responsibility between objects/classes

🔗Creational Patterns


Factory pattern is used to create objects instead of directly creating objects. This can be extended to create different types of objects.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Factory(ABC):
    def create(self):
class UserFactory(Factory):
    def create(self):
        return User()
class PostFactory(Factory):
    def create(self):
        return Post()
user_factory = UserFactory()
user1 = user_factory.create()
user2 = user_factory.create()

post_factory = PostFactory()
post1 = post_factory.create()
post2 = post_factory.create()

Factory, Abstract factory, Simple factory, etc… are nearly same. Read this to find out the differences.


Every time a class is called, an object is created. Singleton pattern is used to use a single object for the class however many times it is called.

This can be achieved by overriding the __call__ method in python. We maintain a global instance object and see if its None or not None.

class DatabaseConnectionSingleton:
    _instance = None

    def __call__(self):
        if DatabaseConnectionSingleton._instance is None:
            DatabaseConnectionSingleton._instance = self

        return DatabaseConnectionSingleton._instance
db_conn1 = DatabaseConnectionSingleton()
db_conn2 = DatabaseConnectionSingleton()
print(db_conn1 == db_conn2) # True, since its a singleton class


Instead of having a class which returns an object with completely arranged pieces, builder class has methods for individual parts which can be used by the objects.

from abc import ABC

class ComputerBuilder(ABC):
    def attach_monitor(self):
    def attach_cpu(self):
    def attach_keyboard(self):
    def attach_mouse(self):
class PCBuilder(ComputerBuilder):
    def attach_monitor(self):
        print("attaching monitor to PC")
    def attach_cpu(self):
        print("attaching cpu to PC")
    def attach_keyboard(self):
        print("attaching keyboard to PC")
    def attach_mouse(self):
        print("attaching mouse to PC")

class Director:
    def __init__(self):
        self._builder = None

    def builder(self):
        return self._builder
    def builder(self, builder):
        self._builder = builder
    def build_single_monitor_pc(self):
    def build_multi_monitor_pc(self):

builder = ComputerBuilder()
director = Director()
director.builder = builder


Here, we have a ComputerBuilder abstract base class. Using this, we build using the PCBuilder to build PCs with multiple configurations. Finally, the Director class is used in builder patterns to handle the assembling of parts. We have 2 methods build_single_monitor_pc and build_multi_monitor_pc using the builder.

Then, we use the director to build single monitor pc and multi monitor pc using the same builder class.

🔗Structural Patterns

🔗Adapter Pattern

Adapter pattern is used to connect old/incompatible classes with required usecases. For example, there is a old class OldClass which has a call_specific_api_and_get_weather_data method. But, the response from this method is much different than the latest classes use. We do not want to modify this OldClass since it might break something.

Hence we add a adapter inbetween to translate the response from the OldClass method.

class OldClass:
    def call_specific_api_and_get_weather_data(self, city):
        return {"result": { "city": "city1", "weather": {...} } }

class LatestClass:
    def request_weather(self, city):
        return { "city": "city1", "weather": "25 C" }

class WeatherAdapter(OldClass, LatestClass):
    def request_weather(self, city):
        old_response = self.call_specific_api_and_get_weather_data(city)
        return { "city": city, "weather": old_response.get("result", {}).get("weather") }

def caller(target, city):

target = LatestClass()
adaptee = WeatherAdapter()

caller(target, "Chennai")
caller(adaptee, "Chennai")

We have converted the OldClass api response to something the client can understand.

🔗Facade Pattern

This pattern helps to do operations at a single place in a complex system with many interfaces, APIs.

class Facade:
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self._a = a
        self._b = b
    def get_random_number(self):
        return self._a.random() + self._b.random()
class A:
    def __init__(self):

    def random(self):
        return rand(100)

class B:
    def __init__(self):

    def random(self):
        return rand(1000)
a = A()
b = B()
facade = Facade(a, b)
print(facade.process()) # a.random() + b.random()

All the above code does is that: it adds 2 random numbers by calling random() function of those objects. Just that, in the Facade class we use the a and b objects to get a result.

🔗Behavioural Patterns

🔗Command Pattern

The Command pattern is used when one wants to do an operation but make it extensible use objects instead of directly doing the operation.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Command(ABC):
    def execute(self):
class HelloWorldCommand(Command):
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def execute(self):
        print(f"Hello, {}")
HelloWorldCommand("python").execute() # Hello, python

🔗Strategy Pattern

The Strategy pattern uses a context variable to interchange strategy whenever required.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class PaymentStrategy(ABC):
    def pay(self):
class CreditCardPaymentStrategy(PaymentStrategy):
    def pay(self):
        print("Paying via credit card")

class CashPaymentStrategy(PaymentStrategy):
    def pay(self):
        print("Paying via cash")
class PaymentContext(ABC):
    def __init__(self, strategy: PaymentStrategy):
        self._strategy = strategy

    def strategy(self):
        return self._strategy

    def strategy(self, strategy: Strategy):
        self._strategy = strategy
    def process(self):
context = PaymentContext(CashStrategy())
context.process() # pay using cash

context.strategy = CreditCardPaymentStrategy()
context.process() # pay using credit-card

🔗State Pattern

The State pattern is used when modifying the state of the class in-between. This is helpful when there are a lot of switch statements in the flow.

For example, a Vending machine starts with an IdleState. When a coin is inserted, it moves to HasCoinState. The same actions will be available for both states, but the implementation depends on the logic of the application. Here, when the machine is in IdleState, we cannot dispatch the food whereas in HasCoinState, we can dispatch the food if there is required amount in the machine.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class State(ABC):
    def insert_coin(self, machine, amount):

    def return_change(self, machine):
    def select_product(self, machine, price):
class IdleState(State):
    def insert_coin(self, machine, amount):
        machine.amount += amount

    def return_change(self, machine):
        print("No coins to return")
    def select_product(self, machine, price):
        print("Add coins to select product")

class HasCoinState(State):
    def insert_coin(self, machine, amount):
        machine.amount += amount

    def return_change(self, machine):
        return machine.amount
    def select_product(self, machine, price):
        if machine.amount <= price:
            print("Selecting product")
            machine.amount = price - machine.amount
            if machine.amount == 0:
            print(f"Add {price-machine.amount} coins to select product")

class VendingMachine:
    def __init__(self):
        self.state = IdleState()
        self.amount = 0
    def set_state(self, state):
        self.state = state
    def insert_coin(self, amount):
        self.state.insert_coin(self, amount)
    def select_product(self, price):
        self.state.select_product(self, price)
    def return_change(self):

v = VendingMachine() # IdleState
v.insert_coin(5) # HasCoinState
v.select_product(10) # IdleState, since machine.amount = 0


v.select_product(10) # no coins in the machine

🔗Observer Pattern

As the name says, observer pattern is used to push updates/notifications to the registered observers.

import time

class Observer:
    def __init__(self):
        self._observers = []

    def attach(self, observer):
    def detach(self, observer):
    def notify(self, stock_name, stock_price):
        for observer in self._observers:
            observer.notify(stock_name, stock_price)
    def get_and_update_stock_price(self, stock_name):
        stock_price = api_response.get(stock_name)
        self.notify(stock_name, stock_price)

class StockPriceObserver(Observer):	
    def notify(self, stock_name, stock_price):
        print("Stock {stock_name} updated with latest value {stock_price}")
observer = Observer()
stock_price_observer = StockPriceObserver()


while True:

These are some the design patterns that exists - refer for more exhaustive list of patterns.

Tags: #python #design-patterns