RabbitMQ is a popular message broker. For some time, i have been working on the same but something didnβt sit in my mind. So, i got back to the basics and started from scratch again. This blog will try to cover how RabbitMQ works and the basics.
πBasics of RabbitMQ
There are few terms which are needed to understand how Rabbitmq works.
- Queue
- Exchange
- Producer
- Consumer
- Bind
Queue is the place where messages are sent. Messages are enqueued/dequeued from the queue.
Every message needs to go to the queue via an exchange. There are different purpose exchanges, but the idea is that: a message can be enqueued to the queue only by an exchange.
Anyone who pushes message to the exchange is a Producer. There can be multiple producers for a queue.
Anyone who consumes message from the queue is a Consumer. There can be multiple consumers for a queue.
Before the exchange can send the message to a queue, it needs to be binded to the queue. So that the exchange can be sure to which queue(s) it has to send the message to.
πA very basic producer and consumer
Lets say, I have a producer and a consumer; and I want to produce and consume from a queue.
queue_name = "first_queue"
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters("localhost"))
channel = connection.channel()
channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key=queue_name, body="hello, world")
Here, we create a connection and then a channel. We can use this channel to make operations.
Whenever weβre going to use a queue, we need to make sure it exists. Hence, we do a queue_declare
Used to publish a message to a queue via an exchange. If the exchange_name
is empty, RabbitMQ will use the default exchange. routing_key
is the queue to which the message is to be delivered.
Let us now consume from the queue first_queue
queue_name = "first_queue"
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters("localhost"))
channel = connection.channel()
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print(f" [x] Received {body}")
def consume(queue_name):
channel.basic_consume(queue=queue_name, on_message_callback=callback, auto_ack=True)
Weβre mostly doing the same thing, creating a connection, channel, declaring the queue. But instead of basic_publish
, weβre using basic_consume
and start_consuming
This tells RabbitMq that the client is subscribing to consume from the given queue. And when messages are received send it to the function given in on_message_callback
This is a blocking function call. It blocks the thread and listens to the messages coming in to the given queue.
This is how a basic producer and a consumer works. If you want multiple consumers listening to different queues, use threads and invoke each start_consuming()
in a separate thread.